
[Development secrets] Magnablaster

A fire blowing stick (bellows) is a traditional tool that has been used in Japan since ancient times, but it is well known that it is commonly used without the mouth attached.

Did you know that fire blowing sticks use the property of fluid that ``as the flow speed increases, the pressure decreases'' to draw in surrounding air and achieve efficient ventilation?

If you use this mechanism properly, you might be able to pump in more air than you can pump out through your mouth...?

Based on this hypothesis, the Magnablaster was completed after repeated trial and error.

The shape I arrived at was an “old-fashioned fire blowing stick.”

Photo of the Magnablaster prototype stage

At the beginning of development, we repeatedly experimented to see if we could efficiently pump air by making good use of a fluid mechanics mechanism called the Venturi effect (*).

However, the final experimental results were far from what was desired and could hardly be called practical.

*A phenomenon in which areas of low pressure are created when the cross-sectional area of ​​fluid flow is narrowed and the flow velocity is increased.

Just when I was about to give up, I tried blowing on a nearby tarp pole (a 30mm diameter pipe) without touching it, and I felt a flame rise like never before.

“Surprisingly, this way can send wind more efficiently...?”

This nondescript tube is just like an old-fashioned fire blowing stick. Still, compared to other fire blowers, I felt that it was by far the best at blowing air.

In the end, it is important to ``draw in a lot of air with your mouth and shoot a large amount of air'' in both ``launching a flame'' and ``recovering a dying flame.''

Photo using Magna Blaster

To that end, we came to the simple conclusion that a thick cylinder is the most logical shape. In addition to verifying the optimal solution for the diameter of the aperture, we also verified several storage methods.

Test to check the thickness of the Magnablaster cylinder

Designed so that the main body can be divided into three pieces, pursuing simplicity and compactness.

Photo of Magna Blaster divided into three parts

In the end, we settled on a size that could be stored in the TOKYO CRAFTS "float case" (storage pouch).

Photos of float case storage

The benefits of increasing the aperture are significant.

In terms of compactness, it is inferior to a thin fire blowing stick, but it has many advantages because it is thick.

・Easy to clean
・Hygienic to use
・Length for easy handling

First of all, it has a thick diameter and can be separated, making it easier to clean.

We want you to use it for a long time by cleaning it frequently.

Photo of Magna Blaster being taken care of

And, since it has a structure that allows air to be taken in efficiently, there is no need to put your mouth on it and blow into it like you would with a traditional fire blowing stick.

Even after a meal, when everyone gathers around a bonfire and uses a fire blower, it can be used hygienically.

One of the product's characteristics is that it is slightly shorter than a typical fire blowing stick. It doesn't need to be short because the diameter is thick and it's easy to take in air.

In fact, one of its advantages is that it is short, making it more maneuverable and easier to maneuver.

Magnablaster air intake diagram

Origin regression. The standard for fire blowing sticks from now on.

Magnablaster storage photo

Fire blowing sticks have been loved in Japan since ancient times. The TOKYO CRAFTS Magnablaster has evolved into a more efficient and easy-to-use model while inheriting that simple structure.

It will become an excellent fire-starting tool that will be indispensable for your future bonfires.