Always at hand. An organizer that can be placed upright.
This organizer is convenient for keeping your tools together, but if you place it on a table or hang it, it will be fixed in place, and you may not have the tools at hand when you want to use them. This organizer is designed to keep your favorite tools at hand at all times, whether you are tending to the fire in front of the bonfire, watching the flames from a little distance, or "staying" before going to bed.

The joy of storing your favorite gear
Have you ever had your small gear scattered all over the place and not been able to remember where you put it?
This organizer was born, allowing you to keep your tools within reach at all times without having to worry about the road conditions.
The opening is wide and can be opened to store things, so you will never have to worry about where you put your tools.
Your favorite gear will always be at your fingertips. Enjoy the feeling of storing your camping gear by fitting it together like a puzzle. See the development story
この商品に関連するInstagramの投稿 #tokyocradts

調味料ボトル20ml、小型LEDランタン、折りたたみナイフ、ガストーチ、燃料ボトル、ゴトク、アルコールストーブ、シングルバーナー、シースナイフ、ノコギリ 、火吹き棒、箸、カトラリーセット、トング調味料ボトル20ml、小型LEDランタン、折りたたみナイフ、ガストーチ、燃料ボトル、ゴトク、アルコールストーブ、シングルバーナー、シースナイフ、ノコギリ 、火吹き棒、箸、カトラリーセット、トング

- その他 注意事項等
- ・本製品は予告なく仕様を変更する場合がございます。
- 材質
- 表生地:ナイロン、裏生地:ポリエステル、フレーム:ステンレス
- サイズ
- 27×16×7.5cm
- 重量
- 380g
- 生産国
- 中国
- 梱包内容
- 本体x1、フレームx1、取扱説明書