The optimal solution we have arrived at is one that releases a large amount of air.
It is a fairly well-known bit of trivia that a bellows is meant to be held away from the mouth.
This is to draw in the surrounding air and send the air out more efficiently. After repeated trial and error with the aim of drawing in more air and allowing the player to play for longer periods without feeling short of breath, we arrived at the simple conclusion of a "thick tube."

The future standard for blowtorches
After much trial and error, we arrived at the simple answer that a "thick" blowpipe is the most efficient way to blow air. After testing several different diameters, we came up with this shape, aiming for the optimal thickness and compact storage.
Because it is thick, it can blow a large amount of air and its structure makes it easy to clean. You can use it hygienically as your favorite blowtorch for a long time.
You can easily blow air into the fire without putting it in your mouth, so you can enjoy a bonfire with your family and friends. Enjoy a luxurious bonfire time with the Magna Blaster. See the development story
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- 材質
- 本体:アルミニウム、収納ケース:ナイロン
- サイズ
- 収納サイズ:20 x φ3.2cm、使用サイズ:50 x φ3.2cm
- 重量
- 125g
- 生産国
- 中国
- 梱包内容
- 本体(大)、本体(中) 本体(小)、収納ケース、取扱説明書
- 注意事項
- 繰り返し使用すると、連結部に傷やスレが発生します。