A single arc is drawn,
A colorful and open tarp
This is a new type of tarp that is set up by inserting a frame into the star-shaped tarp.
The springiness of the frame and its star-shaped deployment maximize the space, creating a diverse, open feeling.
Design application pending (Patent application 2024-005354)

About 40% of the space is wasted
"Oneh" is characterized by its single frame that resembles a mountain ridge.
With conventional tarps, the areas around the poles that go under the tarp and the areas at the base where the height drops are difficult to use, and we believe these create wasted space that separates the tarp from nature.
If we consider 50cm around a 5m x 5m area to be dead space, then approximately 40% of the space becomes "wasted space."
We thought that by making even a small amount of use out of this subtle space, we could create a tarp that feels even more open and at one with nature.
One's design incorporates a single frame to increase the usable space, allowing you to make maximum use of the space under the tarp.
More usable space means more natural air can be brought in, allowing you to experience a larger, more open outdoor space than ever before.

- カラー
- カーキ
- 材質
- 本体/68D ポリエステルタフタリップストップ(耐水圧2,000mm)
- 重量
- 幕本体/約1.7kg
- サイズ
- 組立時/約500×500cm(ロープ除く)
- 梱包内容
- タープ本体×1、フレーム ×1、自在月ロープ(短) 、自在付二又ロープ(長) 、収納ケース
- その他 注意事項等
- ・本製品は予告なく仕様を変更する場合があります。
・大雨、大雪など悪天候時のご使用はお控えください。 - 配送時期について
- ・配送時期は目安です。生産状況により配送が早まる可能や、遅れが生じる可能性があります。また、配送時期変更によるキャンセルはお受けいたしかねますのでご了承ください。
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- ・ロゴはプリントではなく、織りネームタグを縫い付けます。(2箇所、対面に縫製)