The fantastic light created by the hammered glass
A warm light reflected through the glass, swaying in the night breeze.
Its irregular flickering has a soothing effect on the mind and invites you into a fantastical world.

A perfect combination of design and function
The lantern globe covers the mantle from wind and impacts, protecting the beautiful flame.
However, placing too much emphasis on design can sometimes take away from the original brilliance of the piece.
Color, design, and brightness. We went through a lot of trial and error to find the best balance of all aspects.
This lantern globe reflects light beautifully and clearly shows the gentle shape of the flame.
Please enjoy the feel of it with your hands.
See the development story
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- カラー
- アンバー
- 材質
- 耐熱ガラス
- サイズ
- 本体高さ8.9cm、上部径6.2cm(内寸5.6cm)、下部径5.8cm(内寸5.2cm)
- 重量
- 約100g
- 生産国
- 中国
- 梱包内容
- 本体x1 ※ランタンは付属しません。
- 対応モデル
- FEUERHAND276、DIETZ76/78、CSオイルランタン(中)
- 注意事項
- ・本製品は予告なく仕様を変更する場合がございます。