Enjoy a time together with family and friends
It's easy to set up and is a comfortable size for 2 to 4 people. Enjoy the sunset and the night sky, and before you know it, it's time to go to bed. Forget about time and enjoy the company of your family and friends.

Create a place where family and friends can gather
This is TOKYO CRAFTS' first tarp.
Camping is a great way to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and experience nature, so instead of staying in a tent,
I want people to go outside and enjoy nature.
We arrived at the campsite, set up camp, had lunch, and before we knew it, it was dark.
We aimed to create a tarp that would provide a place where people could forget about time and gather together.
Enjoy spending time with family and friends with the Macaon TC, which has a beautiful silhouette like a swallowtail butterfly gracefully fluttering in the field.

- 材質
- 本体:TC(ポリエステル65%、コットン35%)
- サイズ
- 収納サイズ15x15x80cm
- 重量
- 総重量(約)3.4kg
- 生産国
- 中国
- 梱包内容
- 本体x1、キャリーバッグx1、ポールケースx1、ロープケースx1、自在付き二又ロープx2、自在付きロープx4、取扱説明書、タープポールx2
- 生地について
- ・本製品は綿とポリエステルの混紡生地(以下TC生地)です。TC生地の特性上、織ムラ、織キズは避けられない事ですのでご了承ください。
・ディスプレイの環境により画像の色味が異なる場合があります。 - 仕様変更について
- ・ロゴはプリントではなく、織ネームタグを縫い付けております。